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Community School

We open our doors to all the curious people that is seeking knowledge in a fun and creative way. Our purpose is to share with people from anywhere in the world with an open mind to talk about all kinds of interests. We think that we all have something to give to the world that is worth showing to more people. Bob shop is the place for that. 
Read more to discover more about our classes.


Story time

The Bob Shop Story Time sessions for  young children introduce performative readings of books from all over the world. Each story is followed by activities inspired by the book, which can vary from crafts to games, and even special events. 

Our experienced English teachers will provide a rich and original approach to storytelling through diverse characters, languages, music, movement, and art.





Mom & Baby Rythmic

The Mom & Baby Rhythmic class offers an opportunity for parents and their young children to engage in stimulating activities such as singing, dancing, and playing, all in English!

Our teachers experienced in early childhood create programs that allow babies and young children to work on their motor skills and social skills, and improve their cognitive abilities through exposure to a foreign language.


機会を提供します。経験豊富な教師は、赤ちゃんと幼児が外国語に触れることを通して、運動技能・ソーシャルスキル・認知能力の腕を上げるようにするプログラムを提供します。時間を忘れ ママもベビーもいつのまにか笑顔いっぱいに溢れています

International Language Conversation Group

The Language Conversation classes allow various language learners to communicate with native speakers and practice their target language! The languages currently available for these lessons are English, Spanish and  French is also available upon inquiry. 

Each session will hold a different topic for conversation and debate, and will be flexible according to the students’ interests. 

In order to support the class and adapt to students' needs, the teacher will provide a vocabulary list and casual grammar structure to be practiced during class.





Mate tea - Introduction

Camila, our teacher from Chile, will present an introduction to the maté tea world at Bob Shop.

Maté tea is a beverage that is getting more and more popular around the world. It’s a tradition that was born in South America, which now has a space to be enjoyed far away from its place of origin:  Japan!

Let’s learn more about the properties and benefits of this drink! 

We will discover the traditional preparation method, and learn how it is enjoyed on the other side of the world.





Art and Craft Time

The Art Sessions of Bob Shop curated for kids will offer a variety of creative and fun projects for various age groups. The overall goal of this course is to create a relaxed, creative space in which kids can play with various materials, inspiring curiosity and self-expression. For each project, the assigned provider/teacher will bring visual and auditory materials as reference for the kids. We will provide material and art supplies for the students to use with a special focus on the importance of using recycled materials. Let your imagination run wild and discover what you can do!

Yoga for Pre Moms

Pregnancy key poses to accompany Premoms on their journey to Motherhood. We create a space for you to feel more energized, loved and calm by taking care of your body through this gentle workout.


English Conversation for Senior

Everyone is welcome in our home. Senior friends have a space in our English conversation groups as well. Either you want to learn more, practice or simply have a chance to tell your stories and share culture with us! Our door is open for you.

Community School: Services
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